Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wonderful 2015 (February-May)

It's June and 2015 has already been a very exciting year for our family. Let me share some pictures of what we have been up to in the past few months...I will start with with February because I posted about January in the last blog post! 

February 2015

We went to Penny's baby blessing-it was also Superbowl Sunday, so Kelly drew a Seahawk on Finn's Boogie Board during church

Here is Kelly's get-up for Superbowl Sunday

He was so nervous during the game that he was hiding in the corner... he had every right to be nervous!

This is a super goofy picture of me....but I was so excited that I think my eyes are so wide to hide the tears of joy!

This is how Kelly found out...

Random February Pictures

Here is Kelly doing homework...I think that he looks so cute!

Valentines Day! Kelly gave me a cliche present since I've never had one! He's so thoughtful!

We went to the arcade on a double date with my friend Rachel Boody and Kelly's friend Ben! It was a blast! We got SO many tickets

Jessie was in Princess and the Pea at school, it was so fun to watch

February 25, 2015

It turns out that the pregnancy I posted pictures of before was an ectopic pregnancy, meaning that the egg implanted in my Fallopian tube instead of my uterus. We didn't know this until 8 weeks into the pregnancy and I got really sick at work. I couldn't even stand up without fainting. Here's the story..

It was a normal day, I had just finished my morning nanny job and was at the Elementary School for the After School Program. We just finished snack time and suddenly I felt like something wasn't right. I went to the bathroom thinking that that would solve the problem, but instead I realized that something was really wrong and I texted Kelly to come pick me up. I crawled out of the bathroom because I couldn't stand up without blacking out. I called my boss and she practically carried me to the front door to wait for Kelly. I am so thankful that she was so understanding. Kelly came and literally carried me to the truck and then we went home for a few hours. At home I called my women's clinic and told them my symptoms, they said that I was probably constipated...NO, I  was definitely not... After a few hours of suffering and most of it I don't remember because the pain was so intense that I was unconscious for most of it. Kelly finally convinced me to go to instacare because I was so cold and shaking. When Kelly carried me to the truck I couldn't even hold onto him when he went to close the door with one hand, that's when we realized that we needed to go to the E.R. I am sure that Kelly has never driven so recklessly (I don't remember because I was passed out in the backseat, but he has told me that he may have ran one or two red lights). When we pulled up the the E.R. Kelly ran in to get a few nurses because I was so far gone. I'm not sure what happened between there and when I woke up in the hospital bed, I had IV's all over me and they were cutting off my clothes. I remember trying to make a joke so that Kelly wouldn't look so scared, but I'm sure it didn't make sense or lighten the mood. 
Once they got IV's in me I was able to stay awake for longer. They had questioned Kelly and found out that I was pregnant, that is when they did the ultra sound and I remember watching the Dr.'s face and the ultrasound and seeing my uterus full of blood. They decided to rush me into surgery to remove my Fallopian tube. Soon after the decision was made, my internal bleeding started to push on my diaphragm and I sounded like I was about to die...I kid you not. It was short, painful, gasping, breaths and they terrified Kelly. I couldn't even look at him because I knew he wasn't fully aware of what was going on and all he knew was that his wife and baby were in danger. 

I survived surgery! This picture was me saying to Kelly, "I feel SO good, take a picture of me!" I now look at this picture and think how sad and puffy I look! The nurses couldn't keep me warm-look at all the blankets and warm towels around me! I think I also asked Kelly to send this picture to my mom so that she would know I was ok, I really doubt he did because she would've rushed up to Rexburg right then because of how sad I look!

I must've been on a lot of drugs because I kept saying, "E.T. phone home" while holding my finger up (which made the monitors go off....every time)

Day 2 of being in the hospital. I had 2 blood transfusions but was able to get up to go to the bathroom with a little help!

This experience was/is extremely hard. We have learned a lot of wonderful things from it though! We have wonderful friends and family who took care of us! We are thankful that I am healthy again and we have been blessed with many things and miracles.

March 2015

Just a couple days later I was home! I wanted a picture with all of the beautiful bouquets that I received-Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad Hendricks, Kurt and Elise, The Hurley Family, and Kelly! Thanks to everybody else for the prayers and fasting!

Random March Pictures

FaceTiming Mom and Jess was always exciting! They kept the moral up!

March 2nd was my first time out of the house. Kelly very carefully boosted me into the truck and walked me into MillHollow...that was the longest period of time that I had been awake for a week! That little trip exhausted me! Thanks for the good company Hunters!

March 7-My birthday
Kelly had to practice for his skid steer competition the next week. He took me to watch him! 

Kelly bought me these shoes for my birthday! I love them!

Jessie came to visit me and keep me company while Kelly was gone. We had a blast!

I had to quit my job since we were moving to Boise soon. Watching Jack and Maddie Hurley was so much fun, they are great kids and I miss them!

Kelly got a ninja sword from a yard sale... we had too much fun with it!

Here's our friend Cody chopping carrots

My last day teaching After school at Kennedy :( 

Saying goodbye to Rexburg

Fun with the Niece and Nephews 

My sister Jamie and her husband Sean went on a trip to Hawaii and I got to watch their kids while they were gone! 

Waffle night!

Cutting carrots with his ninja sword...kind of!

April 2015

April Fools Day! I pulled a couple pranks of the kids and they pulled one on me (they chased me around with the "Moose"!)

Kelly's Birthday-April 3

We got a bunch of friends together and went to Big Judd's in Archer for Kelly's birthday

BFF's...but fo realzzz

Random April Pictures

Watching Jessie's track meet, Sky View at Roy

At Brynna and McCoys wedding 

Moving to Boise! Goodbye Rexburg!

We got all unpacked and then went up to McCall for the night with Dad and Mom H.

Living in Boise

This is what Kelly looks like after coming home from work! He's doing his internship at Franz Witte

We bought our first car! A 1998 Subaru. I love it

Touring Boise

The old state pen

At Fin's baseball game. Go Angels!

May 2015
More touring of Boise...we drove up to Bogus Basin and watched the sunset on the way. We got some action shots of our new Subaru!

Random May Pictures

June's dance recital

Jamie and I crafted summer wreaths for our doors

Kelly exhausted from 12 hour work day

Our Sub

Idaho's Largest Garage Sale! Kelly bought a 1991 HyperLite wakeboard

Memorial Day Weekend

Perfect day at Vantage

This is where we got engaged 2 years before! Cowiche Canyon

We attempted for me to sit on Kelly's shoulders while he waterskiied. (It's hard to believe that just 3 months before, to the day, I was having surgery)

More Random May Pictures

Date night at The Village

Congrats on graduation Jess

The Meridian Temple is underway!


The view from our tent

Kelly fishing

You've got to zoom in on Kelly's face. He would not touch the fish!

Kelly earned his man points back by helping Jamie with her fish-which they both kissed to prove their awesomeness 

This camping trip was beautiful! It was about an hour away and we camped just yards away from beautiful Tripod Lake!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenna! I heard you had a blog and searched until I found it. I am such a stalker. Ha! We were so sad to hear about your ectopic pregnancy. We are so glad that you are okay. How scary!

    Turns out I don't have Kelly's email address. Send me an email and I will send an invite to our blog. My email is roxcy(type in last name)@gmail.com


    Aunt Roxcy :)
